Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Willy Paul officially going secular? 2019 Prediction By Jeff Awala

Some things are hard to ignore especially from our favorite celebs who keep us entertained with their dramatic lives.I predict some of the things that might happen in 2019.
The prediction is based on the fact  that some of these celebs are so clueless when it comes to matters privacy hence I added one plus one to come to these conclusions.
Willy Paul going secular
The signs have been there all along, it’s just that he does not have the guts to go secular, maybe for the fear of what people might say.
His latest songs lack a gospel touch and his increased collaboration with secular artistes makes us think come 2019, Willy atakua anakamatia chini.
Do you have a hot story or scandal you would like me to publish, please reach me through Email:   Twitter: Jeff Awala or telephone:  Safaricom: 0723410366 or Airtel: 0756524784 and facebook: jeff platnezz

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Una taarifa motomoto au sakata ambayo ungependa nichapishe? Wasiliana nami kwa, , kwenye nambari: 0723410366 na kwenye facebook: jeff platnezz..

Do you have a hot story or scandal you would like me to publish, please reach me through or telephone: 0723410366 and facebook: jeff platnezz